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In compliance with the RGPD, we inform you that your personal data, collected through the website by means of forms or email links, will be processed for the purposes of customer management, potential customers, contacts and commercial communication actions, processing orders, requests or any type of request made by the user through any of the forms of contact made available to the user on the company's website, and may be stored in the corresponding files. Finally, we inform you that your data will be kept in the files of our company for the purpose of commercial follow-up and to keep you informed (about the services and products that may be of interest to you) by post, telephone or any other electronic means that you have provided us with. The data will not be passed on to third parties. You give your express consent and authorise TEMPLUS CENTROS DE DATOS, S.L. to process your data. In order to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and suppression that you, as the owner of your personal data, are entitled to by Law, you may write to, duly accrediting your identity by means of a photocopy of your ID card.

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